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Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) Demo Site
Rutgers University queens gate

Landing: Marketing

This is the demo page for the Landing: Marketing content type. This page template offers many media-rich components and a full-width hero ideal for marketing and promo pages.

Available Components


Content Discovery Interactive & Media Text & Navigation
  • 50/50
  • Animated 50/50
  • Description & Card Carousel
  • Enhanced 50/50
  • Feature: External/Internal Content
  • Featured Summaries
  • Filtered News Display
  • Photo Feature: 2-Column
  • Social Media
  • Enhanced Photo Gallery
  • Full-width Video
  • Program Finder
  • Transition
  • User Choice: Vertical Tabs
  • Descriptive Links
  • Enhanced Secondary Navigation
  • Facts & Figures
  • Heading and Description
  • Full HTML
  • Rich Text
  • Secondary Navigation
  • Sticky Promo

View Live Example

Browse Demo Components

Below are examples of components available on the Landing: Marketing content type. By the way, this is the Heading & Description component.

Animated 50/50

Animated 50/50 provides an interactive scrolling experience ideal for displaying rich images and text with three or more 50/50 components.

Rutgers student

50/50 #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in metus vitae ex condimentum molestie. Phasellus at dolor cursus, tristique justo eu, vestibulum arcu. Vivamus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

rutgers R signage

50/50 #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in metus vitae ex condimentum molestie. Phasellus at dolor cursus, tristique justo eu, vestibulum arcu. Vivamus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

rutgers students
Rutgers student
rutgers R signage
rutgers students
rutgers R signage

This article can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: Internal Content component. When using the 'Headline Only Hero', make sure to add a Promotional Image. Promotional Images will display when an article is viewed inside components or on news listing pages.

Rutgers University queens gate

This content can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: External Content component.

Photo Feature: 2-Column

Photo Feature: 2-Column

rutgers students

Caption Title

Optional caption subheading

Headline 1

Photo Feature: 2-Column displays a prominent image and bold content as users scroll down the component. This component has text and links on one side and an image with a caption area on the other side.

Headline 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in metus vitae ex condimentum molestie. Phasellus at dolor cursus, tristique justo eu, vestibulum arcu. 

Headline 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in metus vitae ex condimentum molestie. Phasellus at dolor cursus, tristique justo eu, vestibulum arcu. 

Facts & Figures

Facts & Figures displays statistics and other key pieces of information with bold text, optional button style link and background color options.

Top Heading
Stat 1

Description with optional links

Top Heading
Stat 2

Description with optional links

Top Heading
Stat 3

Description with optional links

Top Heading
Stat 4

Description with optional links

Top Heading
Stat 5

Description with optional links

rutgers R signage

Program Finder

Program Finder provides an interactive link experience. This component uses the Program Type content type to create a multi-step user flow with guided links.

What kind of study are you looking for?

Filtered News Display (Featured)

Rutgers newark campus

This article can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: Internal Content component.

Filtered News Display (Filtered Summaries)

Filtered News Display (Filtered)

rutgers R signage

This article can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: Internal Content component. When using the 'Headline Only Hero', make sure to add a Promotional Image. Promotional Images will display when an article is viewed inside components or on news listing pages.

Full Width Video Headline

Full-Width Video displays a remotely hosted video with an optional headline and description that spans the width of the screen. Videos must first be added to your content management's media library as "Remote Video" type before they can be used inside this component.

Discover Rutgers video

Discover Rutgers University