Get Started with the RCCL
Getting Started
University Communications and Marketing makes the RCCL available to the Rutgers community at no cost. All units who are planning to use the Drupal RCCL platform must complete the required steps below.
Required Steps
Accordion Content
Please tell us more about your project and University Communications and Marketing will schedule a demo to provide an overview of the RCCL. We'll also discuss your project in more detail and plan next steps.
Complete the RCCL Project Initiation Form -
Free, video-based training is available anytime through the Canvas Learning Management System.
• University Website Policy: Understand the university's website policies and best practices to better serve university audiences.
Time: 25 minutes• University Visual Identity: Learn about how to use the university's visual identity system to benefit your unit.
Time: 10-15 minutes
Go to Canvas to Enroll and Complete the Courses -
Once you've decided to use the Core Library, the website owner/manager and any contracted vendor must complete the Terms of Usage Agreement.
Complete the Terms of Usage Form
Please be sure to review the full text of the terms of usage, which includes:-
Must be submitted by the user and website vendor/consultant.
All web developers using the RCCL, must:
Provide administrative and end-user training for the RCCL and any new components and any third-party tools needed to maintain the website.
Prior to planned modifications or extensions of the RCCL, present a technical and/or design modification plan in writing to the RCCL Core Working Group at rccltechteam@rutgers.edu.
Provide full technical and end-user documentation for RCCL modifications and extensions to the RCCL Core Working Group at rccltechteam@rutgers.edu.
Accept the component library repository for use as-is except for bugs.
Use the Rutgers Core Component Library in a manner that is consistent with its intended use.
Obtain project review from R-Comm office, if a user is affiliated with Rutgers University-New Brunswick or Rutgers Health.
Consult with the RCCL Core Working Group prior to modifying the RCCL.
Accept full responsibility for modifications or changes.
Don't replicate the unique top-most homepage components of others without express written consent from the website owner.
Become a member of the RCCL-Drupal User Group (Rutgers Microsoft Teams Group).
Contribute best-in-class components or functionality back to the Rutgers Core Component Library.
Maintain user accessibility in accordance with university guidelines.
All website owners, editors, and developers, as well as external vendors, must be familiar and adhere to the Rutgers university website policy, which ensures that Rutgers' digital experiences are consistent, professional, accessible to those with disabilities, accurate, easy to find and navigate, and timely.
The policy:-
Provides standards for use and content maintenance of websites that provide official university information to its constituents.
Provides guidelines for website administration and management.
Defines the process for the assignment of domain names for Rutgers websites.
RCCL users will benefit by joining the Rutgers Core Component Library - Drupal User Group, regardless of your use of Drupal. Engage the RCCL community, post questions, and receive updates about the RCCL.
Join the RCCL Drupal User Group
Note: Rutgers NetID/Connect account required, opens Microsoft Teams.
Website Hosting
All new RCCL sites are required to be hosted on Pantheon using the custom RCCL upstream managed by Rutgers Web Consulting Services (OIT-WCS).
New RCCL website projects must start with a development environment from WCS. This may be spun up and transferred to a vendor for development and content population. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted on a limited basis.*
Rutgers OIT- WCS provides fee-based services, including Pantheon setup, Shibboleth/NetID login integration, discounted Pantheon pricing, maintenance support, and more.
*Exception to the OIT-WCS Pantheon hosting requirement may be granted with approval from UCM and OIT-WCS. To request an exception, complete the Website Hosting Exception form.
Third-Party Resources
Accordion Content
In order to use some functionality within the RCCL, third-party resources and licenses are required. Some resources are provided via Rutgers while others must be purchased by the website unit.
Videos displayed in the RCCL must be hosted through either YouTube or Vimeo.
Standard Videos
To display standard videos with sound, use the video link from YouTube to add your video to the Media Library or the embed code to place videos directly into components.Ambient Videos
To display ambient background videos in various RCCL components, videos must be hosted on a Vimeo account with “Standard” level (formerly "Pro") or higher. -
To display social media feeds using the Social Media component, a Curator.io license must be purchased. While the free version of Curator is enough to get started, users are encouraged to purchase the professional level to take advantage of advanced features.
The RCCL includes a Google Tag Manager module that must be used if using Google Analytics. You can use any analytics tool that you prefer but if you are using Google Analytics, do not put code into the header of each page of the site. Google Tag Manager module handles everything that is required for Google Analytics to function on your RCCL site.
The Google Maps API is used to display location maps as part of the Event Content Type. To obtain the Google Map API Key, complete the form below.
Google Programmable Search Engine (PSE), formerly known as Google Custom Search Engine (CSE), lets web developers add a customizable search box to their web pages. The search uses the base Google search engine; however it can be customized, for example, to only search certain sites.
The RCCL utilizes Google Search for its site search implementation. Rutgers OIT provides access to the university’s non-profit Google Search tool.
Request Form for Programmable Search Engine
Please Note: Requestor must have a Rutgers ScarletMail email address.
Access Credentials
Accordion Content
Contracted vendors must secure the following credentials and accounts in order to access Rutgers Network-based tools, including the VPN. Rutgers employees already have the necessary credentials.
Website technical administrators must have a Rutgers NetID. See the information provided to sign-up for a Rutgers Guest NetID. Only vendors under contract may have Guest NetID access.
Note: The Rutgers unit with whom the vendor is contracted must provide a sponsor name and Rutgers email (via Connect) that the vendor must include and use to request access. For assistance, contact your unit's computing specialist as needed.
Rutgers Guest NetID Request (Form on top left of the page) -
Website developers, including external contractors, must have a Rutgers email address (Rutgers Connect email) in order to access Office 365 Teams - Rutgers Website User Group. Please work with your unit to obtain a Rutgers email address.
Note: You can access your email via https://connect.rutgers.edu. You do not have to be on VPN in order to access this email. It is prohibited by the university to forward this email to an outside account. For assistance, contact your unit's computing specialist as needed. -
After obtaining your NetID, follow the steps in the link below to access the VPN. For assistance, contact your unit's computing specialist as needed.
Get VPN Access