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Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) Demo Site

Essential Steps

You have setup a new RCCL project and are ready to begin developing your website. Where do you start? No matter what your team's website building expertise is, there are some general steps to review during your website project.

  1. Check RCCL functionality
    Confirm with your web developer that all desired RCCL features, Drupal modules, and settings have been setup.
  2. Make a project plan
    Create an outline of your information architecture, menus, main pages, goals, etc. Content plans help guide the creation and maintenance of your website.
  3. Optimize your media
    Always use high-quality images and videos that are optimized for size. If uploading documents, make sure PDFs are made accessible for the web.
  4. Prepare content for the web
    Keep content, headings, and links logical and concise. Always follow best practices for writing content on the web.
  5. Setup third-party tools
    Make sure any third-party resources, including analytics, are set up. Analytics can help guide key decisions on your website.
  6. Backup your old website
    Keep a private, archived copy of your old website for reference.

Exploring RCCL Features

The RCCL is a collection of visual building blocks (components), flexible page templates (content types), and a content management system with rich features to bring it all together into a fully functional website. It can be a lot to digest at the start of your website journey. While you may not need to learn everything about the RCCL from the start, reviewing the general features before jumping into website production can go a long way.

Explore RCCL Features & Demo Sites
Best Practices & Tips

Creating Webpages

Once you're familiar with the RCCL design approach and have a content plan in place, it's time to get comfortable with your content management system and "get in the flow" of building webpages. There are many resources available to help as you begin exploring the different avenues of content creation. Keep these guides handy as you experiment and build your website.

Explore Components
Explore Content Types
Content Management System Features

The following process guides will teach you some of the basics of page and component editing. Follow along in your content management system and be sure to reference the full list of process guides as you level up your RCCL skills.

More Visual Process Guides