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Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) Demo Site

RCCL Governance


The Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) platform is managed by the department of University Communications and Marketing (UCM) in partnership with Rutgers Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Rutgers Communications (R-Comm). Any versions of the RCCL platform created for universitywide use, regardless of content management platform, including Drupal, WordPress, or other versions, are subject to RCCL governance.

Guiding Principles, Goals

The RCCL is a website building tool made available to the Rutgers community. The RCCL contains pre-styled, predesigned components and page templates designed to achieve a variety of common website content delivery needs. Using the RCCL creates economies of scale for the university by saving time, money, and resources that would otherwise be allocated to website design and development work.  The platform is intended to enable user-centered, innovative, intuitive, accessible, brand-forward websites.

The RCCL is for and by the Rutgers community – Collaboration is encouraged through user participation, feedback and contributions to design and functional requirements.​ The platform was designed to contain components for the entire university to use. New features may be requested and any new RCCL contributions will be evaluated before being adopted or rejected.​

To grow the RCCL while collaborating with all university units, the RCCL governing team strives to:

  • Preserve the continued evolution of the RCCL that supports a cohesive experience for Rutgers website audiences

  • Maintain a functional and accessible design system codebase for Rutgers University​

  • Share and support adherence to university brand and technical standards, as well as policies and procedures​

RCCL Management

UCM is responsible for:​

  • Codebase _ Rutgers_Core comprised of modules, themes, scripts, files, features, etc. ​
  • Maintaining codebase version control​​
  • Updating the core codebase via version control releases, including security updates (unit responsible for applying security updates)​, bug fixes, and change requests/enhancements​
  • Identifying RCCL standards and requirements​
  • Developing the RCCL Product Roadmap through collaboration​
  • Cultivating the RCCL community to enable collaboration and input on evolution of the RCCL​
  • Managing and sharing knowledge of the RCCL via documentation, training, and consultation​
  • Reviewing ACE vendor proposals for RCCL projects​
  • Defining hosting requirements for RCCL sites and reviewing and deciding upon exception requests​
  • Guiding the development priorities and processes for the RCCL (Drupal and WordPress)​

Drupal Codebase​
The original RCCL was developed for the Drupal CMS. The source code for the Drupal version is stored on a GitLab repository. UCM maintains and updates the core codebase for the Drupal version of the RCCL, in collaboration with OIT-WCS and the Core Working Group.

OIT-WCS is responsible for:​

  • Maintaining the Pantheon hosting environment for RCCL sites​
  • Setting up new RCCL sites on the OIT-WCS Pantheon​
  • Setting up NetID / Shibboleth login access for RCCL site users​
  • Applying RCCL updates to managed sites​
  • Site owners with appropriate IT staff may opt to "self serve" and not rely on OIT-WCS for updates/maintenance ​
  • Contributing to RCCL code testing ​
  • Advising CWG on RCCL updates and development processes​

WordPress Codebase ​
A WordPress version of the RCCL was built and is maintained by OIT-WCS in collaboration with UCM. The source code for the WordPress version is maintained by OIT-WCS and stored on an OIT Bitbucket repository. In collaboration with UCM, WCS will make reasonable attempts to achieve feature parity with the Drupal RCCL product.

Request Full RCCL Governance Document