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Content Types

Content Types are flexible page templates with a preset list of components for designing and building webpages.

Landing Page Content Types

Landing pages are the most common building blocks of a website. These content types offer many hero styles and the most component options.

Alternative Home

Offers many hero options and components ideal for a homepage.

Alternative Home Demo Page

Landing: Secondary

Offers the most number of components and secondary navigation options ideal for subpages.

Landing: Secondary Demo Page

Landing: Informational

Offers the unique "Swoosh" hero and many components ideal for first level landing pages.

Landing: Informational Demo Page

Landing: Marketing

Offers many media-rich components and a full-width hero ideal for marketing and promo pages.

Landing: Marketing Demo Page

Mini-Site: Page

Offers compact left-side navigation and a limited number of components. Ideal for use cases requiring compact organization without the need for a separate website (e.g. smaller units within an organization, resource libraries, etc.)

Mini-Site Demo Page

News & Events Content Types

These content types are used to create news and events content with unique sets of components and hero styles.

Landing: News

Offers a hero carousel, "News" banner and many components suited for a news center.

Landing: News Demo Page


The Article content type is ideal for news, announcements, and other related content. This content type can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: Internal Content component.

Article Demo Page


The Event content type includes many features suited for event entry and management.

Event Demo Page

External Content

This content type can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: External Content component. External Content entries are not designed to display as stand-alone webpages.

Feature Article

The Feature Article content type uses the Feature Hero and offers a limited number of components and features suited for news articles.

Feature Article Demo Page

Media Mentions

The Media Mentions content type is used to display external content using Publication taxonomy entries (located at 'Structure > Taxonomy > Publication' in the content management system). This content type can only be displayed using the In The News component or on the associated In The News Drupal view ( Media Mention entries are not designed to display as stand-alone webpages.

Story Aggregator

The Story Aggregator content type uses the Basic Hero and the Filtered News Display component to display curated tabs of news content.

Story Aggregator Demo Page

Other Content Types


The Center/Institute content type is used to display content entries inside a Drupal view. The associated view displays all Center/Institute entries on a dedicated page ('').

Center/Institute Demo Page

Chaptered Page

The Chaptered Page content type is ideal for organizing content into sections with navigation tabs. Each tab has associated menu chapters on the left side which include a set of components. Both tabs and chapters can be used as anchor links to specific parts of the page.

Chaptered Page Example


The Person content type includes many features suited for person entry and management.

Person Demo Page

Program Type

The Program Type content type is used to display content inside the Program Finder component. Program Type entries are not designed to display as stand-alone webpages.

Search Results

The Search Results content type is pre-configured and enables search across a site. Do not delete or unpublish this content type.

Utility Page

The Utility Page content type has no hero options (title text only) and offers a limited set of components ideal for small supplementary pages.

Utility Demo Page