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Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) Demo Site

Article 3 with Headline On Image

Rutgers newark campus
Optional Caption

About Articles

The Article content type is ideal for news, announcements, and other related content. This content type can be displayed on pages using various news display components or the Feature: Internal Content component.

Useful Tips

  • To mark an article as featured, check the "Featured" box on the article's editing screen under "Promotion Options".
  • To share an article with other RCCL sites (assuming content syndication is enabled), check the "Share for Syndication" box at the bottom of the article's editing screen.
  • When using the 'Headline Only Hero', make sure to add a Promotional Image. Promotional Images will display when an article is viewed inside components or on news listing pages.

Articles Taxonomy

To setup categories for different types of articles, go to Structure > Taxonomy > Topic in the content management system. Numerical taxonomy IDs (e.g. /taxonomy/term/10) are used to filter and display articles on associated Views and news related components.

How To Find a Taxonomy ID

Available Components

  • Accordion
  • Facts & Figures
  • Featured Summaries
  • Full HTML
  • Full Width Image
  • Full Width Video
  • Rich Text
  • Slideshow
  • Sticky Promo