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Rutgers Core Component Library (RCCL) Demo Site
  • Events
  • Sample Event CT A- Event Name

Sample Event CT A- Event Name

Date & Time

Saturday, April 05, 2025, 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


Test- Event Type Term


Add Location Name

101 Somerset St New Brunswick, NJ, 08901


Contact First Name Last Name


Information here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in erat nec urna pulvinar mollis vitae euismod dui. Sed non dictum sapien. 


Add Media Caption (optional)

Known Issue

Date and Time: Important note that you must add a start date and an end time. Disregard the "optional" text above the "End Date." If an end date and time is not added, brackets will appear around the time.


Description here

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent in erat nec urna pulvinar mollis vitae euismod dui.
  • Sed non dictum sapien. Morbi tortor diam, malesuada non ipsum vitae,
  1. Hendrerit porta sem et vulputate. Fusce et egestas mauris.
  2. Integer efficitur turpis erat, eu varius dui placerat eu. Proin porta ullamcorper dolor.
  3. Cras quis eros nec justo efficitur hendrerit id sed sem.

Adding text to an Event Content Type

  1. Date: Add the Beginning Date. If the event is one day, make both dates the same.
  2. Contact First Name, Last Name (Optional)
  3. Information: Displays on the left column, use it to detail registration requirements.
  4. Description: Input main event description and details in this area.
  5. Summary: This is optional.
  6. Location: Type in the name of location.
  7. Address: Use the drop down, to input a street address. A Latitude and longitude will be automatically created, and generate a google map, if the google map API module has been enabled.
  8. Call to Action: Use the Call to Action button to feature the "Register Now" button.
  9. Media Caption: Optional
  10. Media: Add a large format image here. This image will be used if this event is featured in "Events Display" component. 
  11. Primary Topic: Assign a primary topic tag to this event by check the box.


Add Rich Text Component to add additional text. Or, select "Featured Events" to manually add additional events to this page.